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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Taiwan 20th Party Live DVD & New Single
Date: 2001/05/09 03:57:14
Reference: msg/01887

Hi Benjamin and all,

I was at the San Jose Kinokuniya store on Saturday and asked them to order the
Seiko single. Looking at the CD Japan site today ( it
still lists the single as "untitled," but the arrival date of 5/16 remains.

Kinokuniya ALWAYS gets Seiko materials late, for some reason. As soon as I know
any details I'll post them here (unless someone else does first), and the CD
artwork will be posted on SMF as soon as I receive it.

Best regards,


Date:5/9/1998. Benjamin 's message 

>Siu Bee,
>I don't know about the Taiwan DVD.  I am satisfy with
>my original.  Maybe others can answer.
>Anybody has update on the new single to be released
>next week?