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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: More "Technical Difficulties"
Date: 2001/05/15 23:08:02

Ohayo gozaimasu everyone,

There are more "Technical Difficulties" at Yahoo / GeoCities this morning. When
I checked SMF I received a "this page cannot be found" error message. I have
reported this to Yahoo / GeoCities and hope that they will resolve it soon
(although, after their recent layoffs, their level of customer service may not
be that great...who knows).

There is an alternate URL that Yahoo created when they purchased GeoCities:

I was able to reach SMF when using this URL. 

Due to the fact that these "Technical Difficulties" happpen from time to time, 
I am asking friends of SMF to bookmark both the "Tokyo Bridge" and 
"mldeangelis" URLs in case of similar situations in the future.

I'm looking forward to the new single...given the June date and the fact that
Kinokuniya always gets Seiko materials late, it should arrive just in time
for my birthday in July!

Best regards,
