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Name: Bill <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Cover Of New Seiko Album
Date: 2001/05/26 05:53:19
Reference: msg/01901

Hello Benjamin and everyone.

I agree with you that it is not a good strategy to 
release the single and full CD at the same time.  In fact, 
this is the first time I have ever heard of this being done.
Of course Seiko completists will buy both, but not the 
average person who decides that they like the song after 
hearing it somewhere.

As for the new cover.... it's definitely different....
It will be interesting to see what the overall 'feel' of 
the new CD is.

Bill (from Atlanta)


Date:5/26/1998. Benjamin 's message 

>Dear All,
>The Cover is very different from any of the album
>cover in the past 20 years.  Isn't it a coincidence
>that the new CD cover of HK idol, Tse Ting Fung Nicholas
>is also a surprise?
>What I am more interested is the quality of the album
>and whether there are any good surprises.  But
>I am also looking forward to some nice pictures.
>I think it is a very bad strategy to release the CD
>and CD single on the same date.  Who would buy 
>the CD single when they can get the same song in the 
>CD.  Not too many people will want the coupling song
>and the two karaoke versions for 1,223 yen unless
>they are real real Seiko fan.  Fans in this website,
>what do you think?