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Name: Tzing <E-mail>
Subject: The best ever: Seiko's Magic on FUN 6/15
Date: 2001/06/16 20:00:15

Dear all,

Last night when the 30min program FUN (NTV station) was aired, many people were
moved to tears. My first too as I watched and listened to Seiko's vocals last night. 

Apart from looking very beautiful, the one we fans are familar with (and a big
welcome after the "rude" shock by the LOVE-DVD did that pass 
Seiko Censorship Board anyway???!), Seiko was very chatty and radiant, talking 
about her daugher, her role in the epic movie due for release end this year,
and the album jacket cover.

The true gem of the 30min was the medley of Akai Sweet Pea, Diamond Eyes, 
Wink Wink Wink (or Mermaid). She sang to the accompaniment of the piano ONLY.
The pianist was the co-host of the program, the very same talented arranger who
orginally pieced the 3 songs years back. The music arrangment was different 
from the orginal, something which we probably had always wanted to hear, 
that it be different from the original recording. 

The medley lasted about 10 min or less, but it was enough to keep my eyes teary.

Never have I heard such beautiful vocals and of Seiko's too,
Never have I heard such perfect combination of the piano, of Seiko's songs and
her singing. It was perfection to the dot, and everyone in the studio knew it too. 
And that perfection had nothing to do with technicalities of performance.

The songs were oldies but it wasn't the songs per say.(They weren't even my fav). 
What I heard and felt the message came right through was-- how beautiful a thing
it is that Seiko has matured so much in depth that she could deliver those old 
melodies the way she did last night. 

It wasn't a re-make, to say that it was a new version or a 30s Seiko version 
would have been plain insult. The delivery she exhibited puts veterans to shame.
Last night, I did not hear a stronger voice placed with an old melody for those
who enjoyed reminiscing the good old times. I thought I was listening to the
songs for the first time and that this was how the songs were meant to be sung,
and by the right person, at the right time. I have never enjoyed the three 
melodies more than I did last night.

Go to your rental shop and get that video copy. It is worth more than all my 
videos that I have. We all talk about the Seiko magic, about the magic of a 
Seiko Live. This one is a class of its own. 

I had a magical 10mins. You should too. That 10min now lives in me, forever.

Kudos to Matsutoya who brilliantly re-arranged the accompaniment to suit the 
Seiko of 2001. 

ps: some pix