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Name: Sibelo <E-mail>
Subject: Had a great time last night
Date: 2001/06/20 12:36:40

I¡¦ve been a Seiko¡¦s fan for quite a long time.  
Her song is always playing in my mind when I am working or walking, etc.  
It happened again on yesterday.  
The song ¡§pale photograph¡¨ (B-side of ¡§Eyes like diamond¡¨) was playing
around in my mind.  So, I took my precious collection - Seiko Suite out (I put
it in a safety place and I only played it once) found the disc 2 and played
it.  I supposed to hear the ¡§pale photograph¡¨ only because it was 11:30 last
night but I can¡¦t stop hearing the whole disc.  And I looked at the booklet
page by page in very gentle and careful speed.  I can see the growth of Seiko
and also of mine.  When I looked at whose old album / single covers, my
memories all came out.  I can recall where I went to find the CD, how much it
was and what I wore that time¡K..  It made me feel that Seiko was growing with
me, it really made me smile.

I am sorry that my English is not good enough to express my feeling. >_<;

I played ¡§Sleeping Beauty¡¨ as the last song last night I really enjoyed it.
