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Name: Tim <E-mail>
Subject: Love & Emotion Vol.1 Review
Date: 2001/06/22 11:40:23

Dear all,

Finally I received the New album + other DVD yesterday 21/06/01 around 
noon time at my office.

I came back from my lunch break and found a parcel on my table. I am speechless ! The Cd is ordered from CD Japan & i can say that the service
is excellent & fast. Mike also did recommend CD Japan at his web-site.
This is the wed-site: 

I open up the box slowly with excitment. My heart is pumping fast.......
My gosh...... the CD outlook is so cool. The side paper is gold in colour & also indicate that there will be Vol.2  I had actually difficulty in opening the Cd cover. It seems like the plastic cover is thinner. Be careful of that.
The Cd itself is coated white with the word SEIKO painted in red + Love & Emotion. The overall packaging id done profesionally. Oh, i forgotten something,
there is about 11 pictures in the booklets. Seiko looks very very sexy & cute
@(^^)@  Perviously, i mentioned the cover looks awlful but after getting the CD, it look better than those we saw in the internet.

There is no studio shooting. All is done outdoor. It is really really different from the past album. If you look at the back cover, there is some camera trick ( u find out yourself , ok ?) It is nicely done & it look real..... hee hee....

The duration of the whole album is only 32 mins. (--)

M-1: The Sound of Fire 2001 <5:00>
     Fly high, Fly high,Fly high, Fly high, Fly high ......
     Chorus : Fly high to the new sky........

This song will be the opening of the Concert. It give you a kind of   energyto move on and a new begining.

Rating: 9/10


M-2: Love&Emotion <4:38>
     This is also another fast song.
     "Can't stop falling in Love.........."

Rating: 9/10 


M-3: How To Take A Chance
〜恋のかけひき〜 <4:.52>

Rating: 8.5/10


M-4: Woman <4:44>

     " I'm just a women..... come on ! "
     " All right ! I'm just a women........

Such a strange lyric.

Rating: 8.5/10


M-5: あなたしか見えない
(Album Version) <5:08>

This song is so beautiful...... (^^)
Feels like i am floating in the air.

Rating: 10/10


M-6: Is this the place?
(Counting for "This is the place") <0:11> 

This is how it goes for 11 sec.

Unknown: All right you guys ready ? Take 2 .....
Seiko  : OK ! 1 .. 2.. 3

M-7: This is the place <5:15>

"This is the place use to play you and me ......."

Rating: 9.5/10   


M-8: I Miss You〜Prelude〜<2:29>

Oh gosh ! She sang with male duet again.
Ok lah ! Acceptable. Not so noisy this time.

The opening of this song:

Seiko    : laughing sound
Male duet: Ok ! Ja... iki masu
Seiko    : Hai

Rating: 7.5/10

That's all ! To conclude, the overall album is grated "A" ++
but the song is a little fast.
I had continuous listening it for 4 time till 1 am in the 
I love this album.
Hope all of you enjoy SEIKO BRAND NEW ALBUM.
By the way, i did not mention anything about the singles cos
i had not listen it. 

Bye & hope to hear your comment on the new album too.

Warmest Regards