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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: L&E and new single arrive in the USA!!!
Date: 2001/06/24 07:58:30

Hi everyone,

I was very pleased to get the call from Kinokuniya this morning..."Love &
Emotion" and the new single both arrived today. This is the first time in the
five years I've been a Seiko fan that new items arrived this close to the
Japan street date...possibly because I put in a special order as soon as I
knew they were coming out...:-)

Kinokuniya had one copy of L&E on the shelves (and no copies of the single), so
I don't know if they sold VERY quickly (probably not) or they just ordered one
copy (most likely).

And WHAT is going on with the back cover photo of L&E? Whose bright idea was
that, I wonder?

The first photo from "Anata Shika Mienai" has been posted on SMF...the other 
photo and many from L&E will be posted over time (and on SMF III as well).

I am still doing my best to meet the self-imposed dealine of July for SMF III.
I recently had to replace my hard drive (PC is less than a year old) and many
nightmares have followed. I don't want to offend any Seiko fans who might work
for DELL (ha haaaaaaaa! know who you are)...but in all honesty they did
replace it quickly and their tech support has helped quite a bit.

I hope you all enjoy Seiko's new music. Tim, I am also very pleased to hear
that you had a positive experience with CDJapan. They seem to be a very good
company with high regard for their customers, and thank you for sharing your
views on them.

Best regards,
