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Name: Tim <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Love and Emotion Vol.1 - Review Part One
Date: 2001/06/28 10:31:29
Reference: msg/01943

Hi Benjamin,

That's a brilliant idea. All get together. 
Maybe at Asia Tour end of this year? 
But who is getting the tickets? 
I think we should send the $$ first to the person who volunter
to help out in buying the tickets so that in case anyone backoff last min
there would be any disputes as the tickets already bought and
there will be no refund. Good idea right ? 

Ben, by the way you mention "you can e-mail me". But i do not have
your e-mail address.
Maybe you can write to me at:

Hope to hear from you @(^^)@


Date:6/28/1998. Benjamin 's message 

>You can email me.
>Oh, how about everybody get together for the 2002 show?  HK fans, Singapore fans, Toronto fans.....everybody.