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Name: Tim <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Seiko Campaign
Date: 2001/07/13 10:43:24
Reference: msg/01967

Dear Benjamin,

Well, to persuade someone new to buy Seiko Album is not that easy.
People will ask, how old is she in the first place ? and Who is she ?

Nowadays people go for Ayumi Hamasaki. There is lots of publicity
here in Singapore by "Avex Tran". Who knows Seiko ?
Only loyal fans like us.
For your info, Ayumi is a fan of Seiko.
Once I showed my collegue Seiko CD "Enien no Shohjyo", asking
him to guess her age. He told me 18+. I then told him the real age,
he really got a shock. "How it is possible., he said " .
Well..... i guess that's Seiko Matsuda.

I am not sure how the "Oricon Chart" works. Is it by voting ? or
by sales volume.

Tim (^^)

Date:7/13/1998. Benjamin 's message 

>Dear Fans,
>I once mentioned that recently I introduced a friend to 
>listen to Seiko's songs.  She bought 'Love' and is satisfied. 
>Nowadays the public is paying less attention to Seiko's 
>music and more to rumors.
>Once a Singapore fan (sorry, forgot the name) asked how
>can we make Seiko's CD no. 1.  Well, let's not think
>of no. 1.  But think of this, if we can persuade a 
>close friend of ours to buy Seiko's CD.  Sales can
>go double!  Shall we start a Seiko campaign?
>The point is to introduce Seiko Music to everybody,
>starting from your close friends.
>Looking forward to 'Love and Emotion Vol. 2'