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Name: Siu Bee <E-mail>
Subject: Love & Emotion ~ Talk to Seiko Again...yeah..........
Date: 2001/07/18 22:14:19

Hello Tzing, Sibelo, Doogie, Mike, Benjamin....unlimited numbers of Seiko fans,

I am back to Hong Kong now and just finished reading Tzing's message!
It is ready a big show although it was a little bit shorter than previous!

I am not going to say too much on the concert content as Tzing had put up
a very detailed report, like Seiko sang with a sweet smile
"Hondori thirty-nine" (put the melody of "wadasi wa Eighteen")

But the other touching thing is "I CAN TALK TO SEIKO DIRECTLY AGAIN".  The
scene that Tzing, Sibelo, Eric and I, passing Mike's Seiko photo to Seiko
as a gift, Seiko said "wish you a saft trip back"...all are unforgetable!

This time, Tim and I, caught the right time, wave Tim's Singapore flag.  At
first, our voice was covered by other fans shout.  Seiko was so.....kind that
asking them to keep quiet and let us talk!  This is certainly a present for us,
being so kind and considerate!

Something may be still covered by cloud, we asked her about the Asian Concert
Tour, Seiko said "I'd love to", there may still be a chance!

Although I had big trouble in arranging this trip, like no flight ticket,
airline has strike, travel agent booked me into very expensive hotel+airline
package, no hotel room, very expensive fares....whatsoever troubles I had never faced in my previous travel..., it was finally compensated!

Wish more overseas fans can go to see Seiko Live Magic (may be SOF 2002!)

Siu Bee