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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Magic
Date: 2001/07/20 03:10:52
Reference: msg/01984

Hi Simon and all,

I agree with you...I have archived every posting to my guestbook since SMF 
began, and you can read all of these on my site (the "view guestbook" link for
the current guestbook is on my front page, the links for the archived messages
can be found on the "What's New" page).

When you read these messages, you'll see the names of the "regulars" here, but
there are also many, many people from all over the world who are not part of
that group. 

The Internet can be a little intimidating to some people. It takes a while to
feel comfortable posting a message or making a new friend, and I'm sure we all
have had less than pleasant experiences in this area by trusting the "wrong"
person from time to time. You have to be careful and make smart choices.

What Taka-san's site accomplishes, and what I try to do as well, is provide a
safe, friendly environment where friendship and mutual respect are the only
rules to be followed. I think that some of the more reserved fans take a look
at the interactions (as well as all of the information on Seiko), see that the
"regulars" are really having a good time and enjoying each others' company, and
after a period of observing decide that they want to be a part of it. 

It is reasonable to expect Seiko fans in surprise there. But I
really started to feel the "worldwide" or "SOF" phenomenon when I saw messages
in my SMF guestbook from Belgium and other areas. 

And that really is Taka-san's major accomplishment. No one is going to question
the wealth of Seiko information that can be found on his site. It took a lot of
hard work and is an admirable effort. The true value of any Web Site, however,
is the manner in which people RESPOND to it, the degree to which it becomes a
community and brings in many diverse visitors who want to share a common
interest. As a fellow Webmaster, I would assume that Taka-san feels the most
sense of pride and accomplishment in this area, as he should. 

And as I've said before, I'm sure that there'll be a "30th Party"...:-)

BEst regards,


Date:7/19/1998. Simon 's message 

>Hi Tzing, Doogie, Siu Bee, Everyone
>Willie hits it right on when he says this is a 
>remarkable group, I don't think I have ever seen
>more dedication and commitment. I have been to the
>concerts and if people think it's just the group of
>30 or so regulars in this forum, they are wrong.
>There are so many more die hard fans out there.
>It's nice knowing you all. 