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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: SMF Yahoo! Group
Date: 2001/07/22 11:52:31

Hi everyone,

I've noticed a few Yahoo! Groups lately, and they look like a fun place for 
people with common interests to get together, post messages, etc.

Since I don't have a message board on SMF (just my Guest Book), I created a 
Yahoo! Group: "SMF Presents SOF - Seiko Overseas Fans."

I'm not sure if anyone would be interested in such a group, but I invite you
to check it out:

There's no content yet (since I just set it up), but all you need to do is go
to the page, join the group, and you can post messages and such. 

I recently posted Doogie's memories of his trip to the Seiko Dinner Show, and
I've always wanted more fan participation on SMF...more of your comments,
memories of Seiko, etc. The Yahoo! Groups give you the freedom to do just that.

I hope it will be something that you will enjoy, and your comments are welcome.
It will be listed in the Yahoo! Groups directory, so who knows...we might even
meet some new fans (category is music - Japan).

Best regards,
