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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Seiko's U.S. / Intl Hey! Hey! Hey! show dates
Date: 2001/07/23 14:23:42

Hi everyone:

Seiko's Hey! Hey! Hey! show is #300. Today, International Channel showed 
program #294 (Puffy and Tomomi Kahala). San Francisco Channel 26 showed
program #291 (Hitomi). 

The version shown on International Channel is only 1/2 hour way of 
knowing what they cut out until it shows up on the San Francisco channel.
Hopefully, they won't cut any Seiko...also, on August 4th, the time for Hey!
on International Channel will change from 6:30 PM U.S.A. Pacific Coast time to
7:00 PM.

So unless either channel skips an episode (or there is special programming),
the Seiko Hey! Hey! Hey! episode should be on International Channel September
2nd, 7:00 PM.

For the San Francisco Channel 26, September 23rd, 10:00 PM.

Best regards, 
