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Name: Tzing <E-mail>
Subject: Concert "Bonus"
Date: 2001/07/25 23:54:32

Hi Benjamin,
About your query on "bonus" songs, you might have already heard from Siu Bee that
those are songs that Seiko sang sponstaneously in response to fans' request that
night and the mood of the show as well. So on some nights, there might be no 
extra treats, or some others perhaps two numbers.

It all adds more colours to the Seiko Live Magic.

A few years ago (the year that Ohmura Masaaki passed away), Seiko sang "Sweet
Memories" in his memory at the Fukuoka show (his hometown too) and dedicated it
to him for all the songs he had written and arranged for her.

Hi. Glad to hear that you had a super time and a souvenir (Seiko Fever! ahhahahaa)
from Fukuoka too. FYI, Fukuoka was voted as the best city to live in in Asia for
both business and quality of life.... There you have it, a little more info
on the city that Seiko and Ohmura Masaaki, the person behind Sweet Memories.

Particularly to the fans overseas, as we do not understand a word of Japanese,
the first contact we have of Seiko besides her voice, is the mood and the music
arrangment of the songs. What we hear of Seiko's music in the idol era and how
we perceive those music definitely has ALOT to do with this very talented guy.
