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Name: Benjamin <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Concert "Bonus"
Date: 2001/07/27 01:04:33
Reference: msg/01998

Dear all,

Tim and Siu Bee:

You guys actually talked to Seiko Chan????????  You lucky two!!!!!!
You may want to request a special DVD of the Fukuoka concert.  

I was not as lucky as you.  I went to the 96 concert but was
 sitting on the top deck.  Nonetheless, the Vanity Fair concert is 
surely the best concert I've ever seen (sorry to be prejudice).

I agree with everybody that listening to old Seiko songs 
brings back good and bad memories.  From 'Canary' to 'Citron'.  
I only have the LP and cassette copies.  
I am debating whether to buy 
the CD copies but it is not easy to find... 
or find ways to copy into MD.  
I have purchased back from 'Squall' to 'Utopia'.
