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Name: Simon <E-mail>
Subject: End of Summer Tour
Date: 2001/08/06 23:29:24

Hi Tzing & Everyone

Tzing- I said it before and I'll say it again, thanks for showing
us the magic. Although this year I am on the other side of the
planet, the magic did not diminish as I read your report. I could
almost feel that Tokyo summer heat, it's has been very hot in
Toronto 33 degrees but nothing like Tokyo's. I could picture the
waving fans in Budokan, the energy build-up before the show, and
the energy explosion continuing even after the show. Oh yeah, the
karaoke as well :P ! In some way it seem strange that you said the
summer is over, but for those who have experienced Seiko Live will
understand. The high you get after the concert cannot be duplicated,
it is an addiction. And when we cannot get the high from the concert,
we watch the concerts on LDs and DVDs, and we listen to Seiko's songs
every possible minute. And we eagerly wait for the Dinner show to 
get the next dose. When someone in your life is so important that
you associate the seasons with her, she is in our souls. We are the
F-A-N in fanatic, I am so glad to have experience the Magic. Thanks
Tzing for bringing us a taste of the magic again. And for those who
has not been to the concert live, my suggestion is to just do it, 
the show last 2 hours, but it will stay with you a lifetime.
