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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: If you don't ask, you'll never know
Date: 2001/08/07 14:57:46

Hi everyone,

I'm one of those people who would rather have someone tell me "no" than to 
spend the rest of my life wondering what would happen if I asked the question.

So after years of my yelling about Seiko working with Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis,
and watching Hikaru Utada work with them and have a HUGE hit with "Wait and
See," I went to their official Web Site and posted the following on their
message board:

"I've been posting messages on the Seiko Matsuda Web Sites for years about the 
dream pairing of Jam & Lewis with Japanese superstar Seiko Matsuda. 
When the team had their hits with Hikaru Utada, I posted many "I told you so" 
messages. Seiko does it all...pop, R&B, "big ballads"...and with the "right" 
songwriting and production in Jam and Lewis...she could have a major 
USA release. Any chance of this happening?"

Their Web Site is at If you go there you'll see my
message (my ID is "mldsmf" and the subject is Seiko Matsuda, so it's hard to
miss). Now that there's a message on their Web Site, any and all Seiko fans can
post their replies and who knows...? Maybe if enough people posted, someone 
would take notice and make a phone call.

Jam and Lewis are perhaps the best production team in the USA, and as they say,
"There is no Jam & Lewis sound because we never do the same thing twice." In
short...if they worked with Seiko, they would find and bring out Seiko's sound,
rather than try to "fit her into a box." 

"Wait and See" sold 1.7 MILLION copies in its first week of release. 
I would love to see Seiko have a taste of that kind of success in the USA.

Dream big, and when you're finished, dream bigger. Always ask the question.

Best regards,
