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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: If you don't ask, you'll never know
Date: 2001/08/08 06:08:28
Reference: msg/02014

Hi Benjamin,

When you go to the Jam & Lewis "FlyteTyme" site you can pick between Flash and
HTML versions of the site.

For the Flash version: you will see a brief info and then the main menu screen
will appear. At the top you will see navigation links: click on "Message Board."
A new window will open and you will see two choices: "The Music" and "The Demo
Reel." Click on "The Music." If you scroll to the bottom you will see the topic
"Seiko Matsuda" (my message). Click on "Seiko Matsuda" and my message will 
appear in the window. Click on "post reply" at the top. They ask you to log
in to post can pick any user ID and password you want. Once you
do that you will get a "thank you for logging in" screen and you can post your

It seems that the Message Board is designed in Flash, and so it only works on
the Flash version of the site.

Best regards,


Date:8/8/1998. Benjamin 's message 

>Need some help to post on the message board.  I picked 'html' and saw 'link' , 
>'about us'.....etc.  I am lost.  Pls. help.