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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Making Now New Site
Date: 2001/09/08 16:39:54
Reference: msg/02032


Please let me be the first to congratulate you on your new site. Since I first
found your site in 1996 there have been many, many times where I have credited
not only Seiko's career and music as the inspiration for "Seiko Matsuda Forever"
but your work as well. It was through your Web Site that I discovered Seiko's
fans, made many friendships, and created my own site as a result.

At the end of July I introduced "Seiko Matsuda Forever III," and I agree with 
you...the Web is constantly changing, with new technologies and new
capabilities. I know that there will be an SMF IV, V, VI...there is just so 
much that can be done, and so many exciting possibilities.

Thank you once again, and I offer my best wishes for your continued success. 
Please include me in any e-mail announcements regarding your new site.

Arigato gozaimasu,


Date:9/8/1998. Takachan 's message 

>Hi! ALL.
>I'm making New Fan Site of New address now.
>So, I wrote information of New Site.
>Please look this.
>I will ask some fans to moniter the system of new site1.
>I'll send mail them when new site is ready. 