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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: FATEL BLADE &DVD format
Date: 2001/09/19 02:58:22
Reference: msg/02049


There are many variations of the "regional encoding" on DVD players. Some have
multiple regions, some have only one, some allow you to change the setting. I
believe the USA and Canada use region 1. I'm not sure how many regions there 
are, but I cannot play the Seiko Suite DVD because it is encoded for Japan only.

The best DVD movies to buy, of course, are the ones with "no regional encoding,"
which can be played worldwide, but I don't see a lot of these coming out of 

There are stores in Japantown (San Francisco) that sell Japanese-encoded DVD
players. If you watched a lot of Japanese DVDs it would be a good investment.

Best regards,


Date:9/19/1998. Benjamin 's message 

>For those of you who bought 'Fatel Blade''s VCD in HK.  Lucky you!
>I called the distributor today and they said it was
>released last year.  The chance of getting it is low.
>My '20th Party' DVD says Code 2, Japanese Market.  Can I play this 
>in North America?  How many codes are there?
>How many types of DVD machines are there?  Are there machines 
>which are not able to read certain codes?