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Name: Simon <E-mail>
Subject: Region Code & Help with "Partners"
Date: 2001/09/21 14:34:57

Hi Benjamin and Mike and All

First of all, Benjamin, North American is Region 1,
Japan is region 2. Most Seiko DVds are code 1-2-3:

Live Vanity Fair, 97 My Story Live,Forever Live 98,
Seiko 96-98, Video the Love

You can play these anywhere, but 20th Party is code 2
and can only be played on Japanese machine or machines
that have been modified to disable the coding system.
You can buy these "All code" DVD machines anywhere in
HK, you should have no problem Benjamin. But beware as
the Zepp tour DVD states code 2 on the back, but it can
be played on North American machines as well. Confused!

Now, I need your help, I cannot find this movie "Partners"
It is a North American movie, when was it released?
Is there another name for this movie? Is it on DVD?
Which other movie stars are in it, I have been looking for
2 days straight? Mike you have the captures from this movie,
can you help me?

Thanks- Simon