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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Region Code & Help with "Partners"
Date: 2001/09/26 03:41:29
Reference: msg/02057

Hi Benjamin and all,

I trust you...:-) Now that I know that 20th Party (and other) Seiko DVDs have
region 1 encoding and I can play them, I will check with Kinokuniya regarding
availability and prices. The biggest benefit is that for "Seiko Theatre," when
you record a clip from VHS tape you are also recording the tape hiss. With DVD
you not only get a much clearer picture but CD-quality sound as well. I know 
that the Seiko Theatre clips are large size (even though I limit them to 30
seconds) but this is because I don't add any additional compression. I want 
the best quality, and I hope that those who view the clips...especially those
without the benefit of cable modems or DSL...find that it is worth the wait. 
In all of the things I do on both SMF sites, I want to give you all the best I
can, so you can expect to see more DVD captures as time (and my finances) 
permit. And yes, the next "Partners" clip will appear very soon. To those of you
who read my earlier posts and do not have the movie, I don't want to give you
the wrong impression...Seiko actually does have quite a bit of "screen time"
all through the movie, right up until the end, so if you are considering this
purchase it will be money well spent. I just wanted MORE Seiko, because how can
you ever have enough???...:-)

Best regards,


Date:9/26/1998. Benjamin 's message 

>You missed the SHARP SHARP image of 20th Party in DVD.  The
>image is so sharp that it is totally different from
>watching it in VHS.  Trust me!!!!!!!!!  It is so clear
>and good!  I don't regret spending about USD55 for it.
>You may want to go to Chinatown to get a all region DVD 
>and get the 20th Party DVD and others. 