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Name: Tzing <E-mail>
Subject: Re: LOVE&EMOTION LIVE 2001 re-lived
Date: 2001/10/10 00:07:06
Reference: msg/02011

Dear all,

We had a long weekend Sat-Mon holiday. Seiko's 2001 Live was shown over cablevision
on Sun evening and Monday afternoon. A fan who had access to cable recorded it on tape on Sunday,
another who lived near our Monday gathering volunteered to carry the video deck in the train,
in the rain to our meeting place on Monday. The venue was a karaoke room, time 2-7pm. 
We were ready to have our ears blasted, to relive the moment of the year of 2001. 
The karaoke place was most ideal as hardly it is easy to find a home that can contain several people,
we need not have to worry about blasting the speakers nor feel odd about bringing 
our Seiko paper fans and poster decorations on walls... :P

The live recording was super. It captured almost exactly what I saw, what was experienced. 
(But remember, even though this recording is so good and I won't blame you if 
that you might even think that you had actually tasted a little of the actual 
ambience, ah... let me tell you again, multiply it many times over.) 

If I have to pin a live video (and I know I have said many times that the 1995 Live,
the 1998 Live were two of the greatest hallmarks of Seiko's career) that accurately showd
everything that I have described before about her live shows, and this year's performance,
this is IT!. Honestly, this is one live that should go down in history. Not Seiko history, 
Japanese history, .... whatever, ok music history. Who could have thought in 1980 
that this 18year old idol from down South of Japan, a small city in Fukuoka could come so far,
so good. That even after the super-hit in 1996 that this day this performance
could come for those who are lucky to know it and have a taste of it.

Definitely, you wont think twice about buying it for a friend, about showing it to anyone 
(and I mean from START TO END), about telling anyone that this is the person, 
the voice, the aura, the being, the magic that has bought you and me and 
everyone together, and the special Seiko Breed. :)

This is it. 
This live is THE live
(for reasons I will not repeat. you have to go back to my previous postings 8/3. 8/6)

If you have been thinking of coming to JAPAN for a show, and hadn't.
If you have been hestitant about which Live video to buy, to rent...

This is the ONE. No questions about it. 
Get the original DVD version of course. 

Most of it was taken on the final day. Except for the final song and MC. (you will know why)
Bonus tracks and scenes include SAYAKA's CM song, Pineapple Island & Pink Scooter blunders. 
My only hope is that "Glass Ringo" which she sang so beautifully in acapella be included. 
The impromtu lightings to match was superb.

This one really cannot get any better. And will stay a very special gem.
As it is with FUN tv appearance, Zepp Tour, "Sakura no Sono", "Sweet Memories".

Forget about the fact that perhaps Harada-san should have stayed in the background a little more,
that his style has some creative limitations, and way too much background vocal'intrusions',whatever, .... 
It is a great live, I am sure many of you out there have also been waiting for
years for this kind of Seiko Live and Seiko to come. You got to see for yourself
and you will know what I am talking about.

I definitely need to strike lottery before the 11/28 to get that big screen tv. 
No 14" TV can ever do justice.... :(
