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Name: Siu Bee <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Seiko's new photo of the "LOVE&EMOTION VOL.2"!!
Date: 2001/11/10 14:52:24
Reference: msg/02128

Yes, it doesn't look like Seiko, especially the nose and the mouth (lips)!

It's interesting to know why Seiko selected the two pics for the new single 
and new album covers!

I went to SOGO Hong Kong yesterday and trying to find the photo album of
"Thousand Years' Love" but did not see it there!  Seiko is really pretty
in this movie.  I really want to see this movie but I think she may not have
too many roles there because she was not in the movie's press conference :-(

I am seeking help from friends (or even friends' friend) who will be going 
to Japan recently to buy the photo album for me ahhhhhhhh.

Siu Bee