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Name: Benjamin <E-mail>
Subject: Re: The best part of the interview
Date: 2001/11/14 00:23:14
Reference: msg/02136



When I listened to 'All the way to heaven' and 'The Right Combination' 
in 1990, my first feedback is why do they have to pay XXXX amount of 
money to write these songs?  When can't they plug 'Akai Sweet Pea'
on the Top 40 Station?  It can be English version or the 'Original'
Japanese Version of 'Akai'.  'Sukiyaki' is a Japanese song
that shot all the way to No.1 in Billboard and it is performed 
in the Japanese Lauguage!  Or make it halfway.  Side A contains
'All the Way', 'The Right Combo' and Side B are Seiko's Japanese 
No.1 Hits.

A side issue.  Did anyone know Some US / UK singers released an
album in about 1991 and they all sing the English versions of
Seiko's big hits.  I remember there is English version of 'The
Sweet Memories'.  I remember Rita Coollidge (the one who sings
'We're all alone' that hits top 10 in 1977 in U.S. and 007 movie
theme song 'All time High)is one of the artists.  I rent the 
CD and listened to it.  Seiko's original versions are definitely
better.  Therefore, I didn't record any of the songs. 
It shows how respectable Seiko's music is in the Japanese Music
