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Name: SgFan <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Bon Voyage (The Best Lives & Clips) & Seiko Clips 2,3,4 & 5 in DVD format (Taiwan Release)
Date: 2001/12/16 12:42:55
Reference: msg/02185

Hi Tim,

Have you bought anything from this site before? Is is secure? Wonder if i can
buy these titiles at the shops in Sg or not.


Date:12/15/1998. Tim 's message 

>Dear Seiko Fans,
>I really cannot believe that there is a DVD release for the subject
>It is really a good buy. Selling at only US$15 each.
>1. Bon Voyage (The Best Lives & Clips) - US$15
>2. Seiko Clips (All 4 volume, all in 1 DVD) - US$15 only !!!!
>   - Diamond Expression +
>   - 1992 Nouvelle Vague
>   - Glorious Revolution
>   - It's Style 95
>This is the link to buy : 
>Go to search Site & key in Seiko.
>Happy Shopping !!!!!!