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Name: Tim <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Further proof that Seiko should not "do a Mariah"
Date: 2001/12/28 10:13:52
Reference: msg/02217


I felt that Seiko should concentrate her career in Japan rather than in USA.
For her past 2 US album - "SEIKO" & "Was it the Future", i only listen once
and that's it ! 
I will still continue to buy whatever CD that Seiko produce but i would prefer
Japanese CD. 
Ooh .... NO Chinese song please  
When any Japanese sing Chinese songs, it really sound awful...
For eg: Noriko Sakai, Sunday Girls etc......... they cannot bring out their
feelings in the song.

If Seiko really wish to expand her career in USA, then i would suggest that she collbrate with Madonna. 

Tim (- -)