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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Ave Maria
Date: 2001/12/29 01:47:01

Hi everyone,

Many of you are familiar with Sara Brightman...famous in one regard for being
the female lead in Andrew Lloyd Weber's original London cast of Phantom Of The
Opera, known in another for once performing on TV with Seiko. I believe it was
Tzing who originally reported the details of that duet, which I don't recall.

ANYWAY...if you go to Windows Media ( you will see
a link you can click to view the complete 3 minute video of Sara's "Ave Maria."
I thought you'd enjoy comparing it to Seiko's recent version (Sara's is much 
more "traditional" but the video is pretty wild...sort of slow motion
hypnotic with a lot of gold paint). 

The link appeared today on Windows Media's front page. They change it quite 
often so if you go there and don't see it you can alternately do a search on
"Sara Brightman."

Best regards,
