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Name: Shopgirl <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Support U!
Date: 2002/01/03 16:35:04
Reference: msg/02238

Dear Vantic,
Your comment on Seiko,
"To succeed is easy but to sustain is difficult....but seiko has done that!"

is credibly right. I think sometimes I too tend to forget that she has already
achieved so much, that we begin to take things for granted. There is so much 
that I could rattle on on HS, but forget it. All I know is if a so-called producer
sang a song he claimed to have written for Seiko, in exactly the same key,
in exactly the same manner, in exactly the same arrangement as he later did for himself, 
there is little to be said about HS's committment and actual skill in producing for anyone.

I am excited over Seiko's coming English ablum. To me, all the english albums 
are but just side dishes, experimentations and signs that Seiko has still got 
the spirit to try to risk. As she had said many times, which the press never
listen, that her stance on overseas projects had always been "for the experience".

What I hope that Seiko still has in her is the drive to keep that level of 
Seiko Quality of her Japanese releases and the level of Seiko Live Magic in her
Japan Tours and Dinnershows....
You are absolutely right on that one, Mike... Dump Shinji, and fast too.
