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Name: SgFan <E-mail>
Subject: Seiko's move to Sony
Date: 2002/01/05 20:04:36

Hi all,

As it by now to date, Seiko's contract with Sony is a "one shot"
contract of a single and a album release, of which they are going
to USA releases. Personally, i feel that Seiko is taking a very high
risk in this coming project. Should the new album suffer from poor 
sales, wonder what will happen to her future releases. Anyway, i will
definitely support her music, no matter they are Japanese or English 
releases, though i would very much prefer her to sing in Japanese. I
would also wish to see her re-record her older songs under new music
arrangements -- just a thought after seeing her sing rearranged versions
of some of her songs in the L&E video.

Good luck Seiko, we are all behind you to give you your fullest support.
