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Name: Benjamin
Subject: Hollywood
Date: 2002/01/13 01:20:16
Dear Fans,
For all the comments on her previous US/International efforts, I would
not say the efforts were big success. But I think SEIKO has achieved
a lot compare to other artists!
Look at Seiko's achievements:-
1. 'The Right Combination' peaked at no.50s (53?) in Billboard
In another Top 40 charts, she hit the Top 40. The video
playing in USA national TV!
2. 'Seiko -90CD' peaked at no. 55 in Tower Records' monthly chart
from the official magazine.
(Note:- Tower Records is a big record chain in the USA.
I don't know what Tower's sales is accounted for the
entire US sales, but the CD did not enter the Hot 200
album chart. Subsequently, I heard Billboard changed the
rules to count sales in album chart. I always wonder if
the rules were changed before the album was released, SEIKO-90
would hit the Hot 200 chart.
3. 'Let's talk about it' was in the Top '120' of Billboard's
R&B chart. No. 101-120 is Bubbling Under Hits
4. 'Good for you' hitting the Dance chart.
5. 'The Right Combination' hit No.2 in Canada and No.11 in
I know some of you may say 'The Right Combination' is a duet
with Donnie Walburg. But the fact is the fact that SEIKO hit
the International Charts.
If this is not a fair success, than Dreams Come True, Nakamori
Akina, Toshinobu (sings 'La La La Love Song) and Kobayashi
Akiko (sings 'Fall in Love) who all had Album release at one
time in the USA would be considered total failures. All in all,
I am proud of SEIKO's international acheivements in the past.
Going forward, the success of a third international release (if
any) would require massive promotional efforts and good composers
and arrangers. Seiko has worked with Michael Bolton, David
Foster before. If CBS gonna try a third international release,
we fans want to make sure they try hard and not just to put out
a 'fair' CD just to satisfy Seiko's intention for an
international release. If they are not serious, I hope they
don't even start the project.