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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Update on Guchy's Seiko Site
Date: 2002/01/14 01:15:46

Hi everyone,

I received a prompt response from Guchy and he did the right thing...he
apologized and removed the SMF images from his site. I am assuming that this
was an innocent mistake and reminded him that Seiko fans (and Seiko Webmasters)
are very friendly people, always willing to help. Without the inspiration of
Takachan and the help and support of people like Tzing, Smiley, Sui Bee, Sibelo,
Doogie, Bill, Tim, Benjamin and many others, there would be no SMF. I told him
that I would help him if I could, and that I would allow him to post another
message in the SMF Guest Book promoting his site.

Guchy's Room:

If you wish to contact him, his e-mail address on the site is incorrect. The
actual address is:

Takeshi Sekiguchi []

Best regards,
