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Name: Benjamin <E-mail>
Subject: Now I know why........
Date: 2002/01/17 21:33:48

Dear Fans,

Ever wonder why sales of L&E Vol.2 is much lower than Vol.1

Availability is a possible issue.  I know three fans in HK
who are super fans.  Since the CD is not available, they
will wait to buy.  There is nothing wrong with the 3 fans at
all but that explains why sales drop so much.  Including
me there are four and after 1.5 months of release only 1 
out of 4 bought and I had to order it.  Back in the days of
L&E1, all 4 have purchased within 1.5 months.  It is not
difficult to understand why sales drop 75%.  

Oh, you guys can order thru.
I tried it once and it is available.
