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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: More on Cosmo / Biteki
Date: 2002/01/18 10:06:09

Hi everyone,

I'm having a hard time deciding if I like Seiko's Cosmo or Biteki shoot more...
on one hand, the "purple gypsy" photo in Biteki is one of the best I've ever 
seen, a must-have for those of you who like her "eye contact" photos. On the
other hand, the photo of her in the long black dress sitting on the white
stairs in Cosmo is one of the best "natural beauty Seiko" photos I've ever seen.

I guess the solution is to enjoy them both and not worry about which one is

I posted a new Cosmo on SMF: The Remix and a new Biteki on SMF Phase III, along
with a new L&E2 / Biteki screensaver. For those of you who were unable to
purchase copies of the originals, I hope you enjoy them!

Best regards,
