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Name: Benjamin <E-mail>
Subject: L&E Vol.2
Date: 2002/01/20 00:41:47

Dear All,

'Ai Ai Ai' is available now in Shinsei_o and H_V, TST, 
Kowloon for HKD90-95 now!!!!

I listened to the L&E2 CD a couple of times.  I like 'Believe in 
Dreams (Track No. 4) and Full version of 'I miss you' a lot.
Hey fans, don't think 'I miss you' is the same as the last 
version in Volume one.  It is a FULL version!

I wonder if someone are not buyuing Vol.2 because "Love and 
Emotion" and "I miss you" appeared in both volumes!  This is 
such a BAD marketing strategy so that many fans will think 
Vol.2 is stealing fans' money with songs repeated.  

But I do have a complaint.  8 songs in one CD costing Y2,800 
is not right in the current sluggish economy.  Marginal fans
who are deciding whether to buy or not look into this.  
Everybody is talking value-for-money.  Only a few of us will
be willing to buy a few great Seiko songs for yen2,800.  
But marginal fans will buy something else.  If 2 volumes
were combined in one selling for yen2800, who knows what
the sales will be.

I wish I had a LD player so I will buy the LD for $10.
