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Name: Siu Bee
Subject: Re: Great Pictures!
Date: 2002/01/25 01:09:32
Reference: msg/02282
Dear Vantic,
Thank you so much for your kind comment and I am glad to know you like them
(no doubt at all what whatever Seiko pics ^^)
For the funeral pics...although I surely agree with what you said.
Seiko looked soooooooo beautiful with the black kimono. However, this
was still a sad news and I want the bad news to be "Gone with the year 2001"
(this was really a bad year for me and many people I know).
I remember Seiko had one kimono CM sometime around 1994. She was wearing
a purple colour kimono sleeping on a chair. I will post it in my Seiko
St.Reet when I find it.
Once again, thanks for your kind words. Meanwhile, thanks to Takachan to
have this place for us (the 1st Seiko homepage I found) and thanks to
Mike's help in the very beginning when I started to try making my own homepage.
Thanks to all Seiko Fans to love Seiko so many years and more!
Siu Bee