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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Not Older...Better (Happy Birthday Seiko)!
Date: 2002/03/10 13:42:51

Hi Everyone,

Today Seiko "hits the big 4-0"...and when I posted the "white fuzzy hat, white
shirt and skirt, white fuzzy boots" photo from Cosmo on SMF tonight I thought
"this is probably the most beautiful 40 year old woman in the world"...:-)

What a life, what a long list of accomplishments...what an inspiration to 
young women all over the world who found the courage to speak their minds and
be themselves through Seiko's example.

Even if she never visits this site, or SMF, or any of the Seiko sites...I hope
that on her special day she can feel the love and admiration that is being 
sent her way from the four corners of the globe.

Best regards,
