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Name: Yaji <E-mail>
Subject: Re: 21 days Summer Concert Tour 2002
Date: 2002/03/25 17:07:46
Reference: msg/02353

Minasan, Konnichiwa.

Domo arigato, Tim.

For those who can't read Kanji&Kana Japanese...

Update of 2002 Seiko concert tour schedule:

- Saitama        June 21
- Hamamatsu      June 24
- Nagoya         June 29&30
- Tokushima      July  2
- Osaka          July  5&6
- Kanazawa       July  9&10
- Fukuoka        July 13&14
- Sendai         July 17&18
- Tomakomai      July 20
- Sapporo        July 21
- Yokohama       July 24
- Hiroshima      July 27&28
- Tokyo(Budokan) July 31, August 1&2

Tickets will be sold next month, some of the advance orders start this week...

Ja Matane!

Yaji from F.B.Tokyo


Date:3/25/1998. T i m 's message 

>Concert Schedule 2002