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Name: T i m <E-mail>
Subject: A na ta Shi ka Mi e nai ~ M T V
Date: 2002/03/29 22:49:13
Reference: msg/02360

Hi Mike and all,

Thanks for the info. Guess what ! The parcel arrive on Friday but
unfortunately no one at home (>_<) to pick up the "Love & Emotion 
Videos & Photos" DVD which i had ordered from

I had seen "A na ta Shi ka Mi e nai" ~ M T V preivously, and
is quit disappointed with it. I felt that the MTV is not
professionally done. And i wonder who is the guy in the MTV who
caress Seiko bare back and legs. In the MTV, Seiko also lie on top of the
naked man (is it H.S ? ? ?) looks like.
Err..... i juz dun like H.S

Today, 2001 Red & White is shown in Singapore. I am not aware
of it until AYUMI Fan's (a friend of mine) called me and I managed
to see full version of Seiko singing her old hits. She is so...ooooooooo
MAJESTIC ! H.S is very handsome too (his hair is neatly done)

So.. for i recommend all true fan to grap this limited edition DVD
cos once sold out it is not possible to get it anymore.

T i m