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Name: W <E-mail>
Subject: Re: April Update
Date: 2002/04/09 06:24:36

Hello Shopgirl and all,

Many exciting news about Seiko and Sayaka lately. I can't wait for 
"Sutekina Ashita" to be on sale. As Shopgirl put it as ""the Missing
You Golden Combination." I can't help but think what if we have 
more of Seiko-Ryo combination for the new album, it will be super.
Her new hair-do is refreshing. It looks great on her. With the upcoming
JP tour, she will be quite busy. Who's attending the concert this year?

My comment on Akina/Mio version of "Ruri iro no Chikyu" is that 
it is ok. I might not like it as much as the Seiko version but I have 
to admit that it brings me back good memories. I was once an 
Akina fan before I found Seiko. :) 

Thanks for the update.
