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Name: Benjamin <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Updates
Date: 2002/04/13 00:00:35
Reference: msg/02392


thanks.  I like the song.  I will be my pick for the 
summer.  One question. It is only April 12.  Do we
have to wait until June 5 to get this one????

I am not sure if it will achieve better sales than
missing you, but there is something we can do.
Let's buy / order this one so it makes a difference
in the first week on the chart.  See what Akina's fan
did to her latest CD.  It hit the top 10. 

The first week of sales is important to Seiko 
(remember one HK DJ make fun of her saying that
only a few thousand copies were sold for the 
Ai Ai Ai single?), but what is more important is
that we as Seiko fans can say, 'We bought it
right after it is release' and we can be proud of
