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Name: Benjamin <E-mail>
Subject: Seiko-Kitty MME-Akina
Date: 2002/04/16 00:01:25

Seiko fans,

I got the Zero Album of Akina.
The first song I listened to is Seiko's remake.
I think she would use a very sad tone.  But
it turned out to be quite neutral.  I think
other remakes in the CDare better.  Seiko's 
original is better...definitely.  But the songs 
Akina selected are all from reputable female 
singer. We should be proud of Seiko's selection.

It's amazing to see Seiko and Akina are now 
belonging to the same record company. (Same
as Alan and Leslie in HK)  The 
same incident happened again.  Akina's new
CD CAN'T be found in big record stores.  If
one said Seiko's incident was due to fair
sales, Universal/Kitty has no excuse this 
time.  Akina's sales is quite good.
I got it from  It takes
only 3 working days to deliever to your home.
For Seiko fans, there's an alternative than
waiting 3 months to get her CD next time.
