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Name: Shopgirl <E-mail>
Subject: Re: To Shopgirl et all
Date: 2002/04/16 23:04:15
Reference: msg/02395

Simon, Doogie,
Thanks for your feedback.
Hmm... I am a little inclined to go for the rehearsal... 
You are right, it is a once in a lifetime experience (so is every Seiko concert
that I go for, ahhaha)

I don't need for Seiko to come down to shake hands whatever, I dont think
that would be possible, the hall is pretty big at max 20,000 seating.

Who knows, I may get a chance to throw some rotten eggs at any band member
or chorus member whose thinking of taking the stage as their own.... :P
Did I hear someone say Ha"%#a SH%7$5? (hahahaa)
