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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Red & White
Date: 2002/04/19 06:18:02

Hi everyone,

I was sorting through some video tapes this afternoon and came across the one I
made of Red & White 2001. I only got the last part because I wasn't aware of
the fact that Channel 26 split the show into two parts...:-(

But as I was watching, I decided that I'm going to have to do a "Seiko Theatre"
clip from this very soon. During her introduction, I could not stop laughing...
That's because she is going through the very formal Red & White pre-song
interview, and is trying to keep a straight face, and the whole time in the
background you are hearing the "SEIKO! SEIKO! SEIKO" guys...

I have to keep the Seiko Theatre clips short due to file size (they usually
end up being 30 seconds long)...but I want to post the moment when the
introduction is over and Seiko heads to the stage...during that brief
transitional moment of silence, you hear the loudest "SEIKO! SEIKO! SEIKO!"
from the crowd, and the announcer is laughing herself as she tries to remain
formal and continue introducing the song. Absolutely hilarious. The only way
I can describe it is if you were trying to carry on a normal conversation in
the middle of a pack of barking dogs. These guys REALLY wanted Seiko's 
attention (and they got it...she kept smiling and looking out of the corner of
her eye at the audience)...:-)

I'll probably do the first clip of the introduction and a second one later from
her performance. For all of you Shinji Harada fans (!!!!!) he plays the piano
and lets Seiko have the spotlight to herself...for once...:-)

Keep an eye on SMF III, they'll be coming soon.

Best regards,
