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Name: Siu Bee <E-mail>
Subject: The legend of idol
Date: 2002/04/28 15:16:21

Dear friends and fans,

I did some shoppings yesterday and finally bought L&E 2 from New Century Plaza
Sinseido (the price is HK$205).  Sorry Sibelo, there has only one copy.  Other
HK fans if you have not got this CD, you may start to search over other
Shinseido now. :-)

Other than L&E 2, I bought a VCD program from Sino Centre.  Sorry for other
overseas fans, these are all shopping centres in Hong Kong ;-p

The program was recorded on 29 March which is called The legend of Idol.
It talked about the most famous (or strongest, powerful) female idol in
the Japanese history.  Of course, Seiko is one of them.  The program itself 
did not invite Seiko as a guest but showed some of her earlier years music
program performance.  The VCD has two discs but Seiko's part only appeared in
the last part of the first VCD.  That session is about the comparison between
Seiko and Akina.  A guy called Sakai Masatoshi, who seemed having high status
and his comments were well recognized.  He said Seiko and Akina was competiting
to be the successor of Momoe Yamaguchi.  However, Seiko is more successful 
because she has 24 consecutive no.1 singles and Akina got only 15.  Seiko is
still the top female singer with this outstanding historical achievement
while Akina is no.2 only.  On the other hand, Seiko's orginal image was
Saori Minami, younger fans may not know who she is, me too though I only heard
of the name :-) and Akina's orginal was Momoe Yamaguchi.  From that, he said
Seiko gives people the feeling of "hikaru" which means light or brightness while
Akina is only a "kage" which means shadow or dark side.

The VCD pack costs HK$50.  (One thing to add, although I do not have any
like or dislike on Momoe, I found her English pronunciation very good which
was so rare that time or even now!  But Seiko can do it, too!)

Siu Bee