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Name: Shopgirl <E-mail>
Subject: Quick update
Date: 2002/04/28 18:48:02


(1) New cover
I am not sure if this is going to be the new single jacket cover...
Either that or album cover...whatever

(2) Movie 5/30
Yesterday, there was a party to celebrate the completion of a Korea-Japan 
movie called Hakujin Tokai. Seiko sings the sub-theme song called 
"Poetry of Love" (loosely translated) while Harada Shinji who is the music
producer for the movie, sings the theme song "Winds of Sea". This movie will hit
the screen on 5/30.

and here is the pic of Seiko

Am I excited? Oh well Yes, er... I change my mind, "No" should be my answer,
for whatever reasons you are also aware of.

(3) New Glico Curry CM (Seiko with SAYAKA) on air
CM not available at the Glico homepage yet

(4) New single
track #1 "Sutekina Ashita"
track #2 "Sutekina Ashita" remix
track #3 "Sutekina Ashita" instrumental
