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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: An Honor (and a big surprise)
Date: 2002/05/07 15:45:12

Hi everyone,

I got a big "Seiko Surprise" tonight. I use "NetCaptor" for my Web browser, and
the new version released today has a feature that allows you find pages listed
in Google that link to the site you're viewing. I was on SMF, and found out
that Ann Wehmeyer, Associate Professor of Japanese and Linguistics in the
Department of African and Asian Languages and Literatures for the University of
Florida in Gainsville links to SMF for her "JPN 3730 Language in Japanese
Society" course, currently being taught!

Here is the link:

She lists SMF under a resource section called "Burikko, Tarento, Idols," and
this is her comment:

"Matsuda Seiko, ultimate burikko." ("Matsuda, Seiko" is the link to SMF). One
translation of "burikko" (and as you know, I am no master of the Japanese
langage) is "pretending (buri) to act like a child (ko)." SO...I don't really
know how Professor Wehmeyer presents Seiko in her curriculum, but since she
is presented in a positive light on SMF, I'm glad that's where she's sending
her students...:-)

I'm going to send an e-mail to Professor Wehmeyer to find out more, and if I
get a response I will let you know. It's a really, really strange feeling to
know that University students are being sent to SMF as part of their 
understanding of Japanese culture. I also wish Seiko knew about it...:-)

Best regards,
