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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: King of the Hill
Date: 2002/05/14 12:35:29
Reference: msg/02416

Hi Eric and all,

Will do. This episode was not at all what you would expect from a "cartoon."
The story was very mature, very poignant...a quality project all the way. It
makes a touching (and very real) statement about Japanese / U.S. relations,
past and present, and about love at all ages. And to top it off it was 
pretty darn funny, too.

For those of you who own "Precious Moment," listen to the conversation at the
beginning of the last track and the "Seiko Giggle." When Bobby goes back to 
look for the girl for the second dance, she sees him and her lines are:

" DANSU!  YAY!...."

It's definitely the "trademark Seiko giggle."

Then she and Bobby dance to MC Hammer's "Can't Touch This" and the scene
changes. When it returns they are dancing to "Kimono Beat." 

The sub-plot is in the last half hour of the episode. There are four parts to
it total, my guess is that the total time for all four is five or six minutes.

Best regards,


Date:5/14/1998. Eric 's message 

>Hi Mike
>Please let me know when you find out the date of the repeat of 
>that episode. I would like to watch it and tape it. I would also
>post the date if I find that out first. I am sure most North American 
>Seiko fans are all excited about 'hearing' Seiko in one of the prime
>time shows.