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Name: Shopgirl <E-mail>
Subject: Seiko Updates. "Welcome Back" from SONY
Date: 2002/05/19 00:02:06

Hi Yaji, and everyone.

Here are May Updates.
(1) Sony Music
- Sony had a "Welcome Back Seiko!" message on their HP. 
In the 80s, Sony had one-full-page of Seiko publicity on several main papers on
a few occassions, including one famous congratulatory note on her 1985 marriage.
- Seiko site on Sony has been updated

(2) Japan release:"Sukitena Ashita"
- this single due for release 6.09 by SME, SRCL5350 1,165yen
- 3tracks with a remix and instrumental versions.
- I am a little surprised by the remix inclusion. There has been so much of 
remix in the market especially in the last year and a half. This is Seiko and 
I was expecting something more from SME.

(3) Japan release: "Jewel Box"
- This title was only heard in the FC tel.message. No official announcement elsewhere.
- Rumored to slip from 6.19, SRCL5356-7 3,143yen, SRCL5358 2,913yen
- One includes an extra DVD of the single PV

(4) English release: "Area 62"
- Info from yaji:
- This will release on 6.11 by Hip-O Records, part of Universal Music Group.
- Apparently, it is only for US release.
- Is "Area 62" a place in US???? All I know of 62 is that it is the year Seiko was born.:)
- Any news direct from your side of the world?

(5) CMs downloads
-Lion washing detergent #1
-Lion washing detergent #2
-Glico Juku Curry #1,#2

(6) New song in Movie soundtrack
-"Hakujitokai" entitled movie (a minor movie unfortunately)
- "Ai no shi" or loosely translated as Poetry of Love.
- song written by Harada Shinji and words by Seiko

(7) SAYAKA "Eversince"
- The song hit #5 in the charts.
- The coupling song was written by Shine
- Shine is actually Harada Shinji and the arrangers are his band members who
 were in last year's summer tour and dinner shows
- Was Shine used because there would be many among those who bought SAYAKA's single?
and we all know how Seiko fans feel about initials HS.

(8) Alice, and ???
- No official acknowledgement from SAYAKA nor Seiko as yet
- Alice, who penned #5track from Eternal Mind, and Misty Rain from L&E2 was SAYAKA
- This was reported in one of the evening papers, impressed by the literacy 
skills of SAYAKA at age 12
- Some fans during the Eternal Mind release were already in suspect of this,
but we also thought of a possibility of Seiko as there was quite a bit of 
Seikoness in that song. But when we heard Misty, we knew it for sure. 
Some lines were still alittle on the immature side. Nonetheless, SAYAKA had 
definitely perfected it in her own single "Eversince".
- There was another mystery in Eternal Mind album....???? which I would rather
not mention in here. 

(9) Countdown to LIVE 2002
- Starts on 6.21 at Saitama Super Arena, with a special open rehearsal event.
- Excited as we are, fans here are also worried sick about who the band 
members would be, whom the producer of Jewel Box ablum would be, and how many
different writers and arrangers there would be.......
Would this year be a big boom or big flop?... the latter could very well spell 
the end especially since there is a revival of attention to 80s music.
- Last year there was a rumor that Sony would release only one for Seiko.
If that was true then the single on 6.09 would be the only one. Jewel Box would
then be just the name of the entire 2002 JAPAN Tour.
- On the contrary, if that is so, tickets in the black market would shoot up, 
assuming that it would be a Tour of music in the Sony Days, good old 80s and 90s
without you know who. :p

My motto this year, and if I may be bold to say to Seiko
"Don't go for anything but the best"