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Name: Siu Bee <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Area 62
Date: 2002/05/20 16:00:22
Reference: msg/02429

Thank you soooooo much Koju san.

Does anyone know if it will be available in Japan?!  Me too can't wait to get it!!!

Siu Bee

>This is a bigger photo.
>Date:5/20/1998. koji 's message 
>>Yes, Seiko will release new album in the U.S. on June 11, 2002.  The title is Area 62.  You can see the album photo at
>>Song titles are:
>>1. All To You
>>2. Just For Tonight
>>3. I'm Right Here
>>4. Never Need Another One
>>5. Let's Fall In Love Again
>>6. Everything I Am
>>7. Chameleon
>>8. Downtown Tokyo (English)
>>9. Ave Maria
>>10. Down Tokyo (Japenese)
>>11. All To You (Japanese)
>>12. All To You (Remix)
>>13. Ave Maria (Wave)
>>I cann't wait to get it!!!!